Lake Superior Kitchen

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Grilled Plantains with Drizzled Almond Butter

I’m feeling very positive about this winter.  The cold snap we just had is making these 20 degree days feel amazing.  I can do this for a few more months.  As often happens this time of year, my diligence for choosing healthy food is waning.  It’s much more of a struggle to resist eating half a loaf of fresh bread or a hefty pile of chocolate chip cookies.  I think part of it is my body searching for energy on the cold, dark days.  A quick sugar fix sounds like a good way to give myself a boost when it’s 3:00 and I just want to take a nap.  Which, by the way, I think naps should be part of the Midwest lifestyle during winter.  It would help us all.

So, anyway, I’m trying to be prepared with a lot of prepped food so that when I’m hungry and drained, I can quickly reach for some healthy fuel.  I made a big batch of Vanilla Chia Balls yesterday, which have been great to have around.  I’m also trying to keep jars of soup on hand in the fridge.

Plantains are one of my favorite healthy ways to mix it up.  Especially during these winter months, I find the starch and fiber to be really helpful to my body.  With this recipe, you need to use overly ripe plantains.  Mine were almost black.  Don’t throw yours away if they get to this point!  Plantains are hardier than bananas.  They are still great to use at this point.  This recipe is quick and easy.  It goes well with any meal: eggs, meat, solo, etc.  You do need to watch them carefully as they fry. Plantains burn very easily but you also want them to reach a nice browned state.  The almond drizzle is optional, but if you are having just these for breakfast, it is a very nice addition to make them a little more filling.  Enjoy!


Grilled Plantains with Almond Butter Drizzle

25 min, makes 6-8 fritters


2 overly ripe plantains

1 egg

1/8 t salt

1/4 c coconut oil, softened

pinch cayenne

pinch cinnamon

1/2 c almond flour

3 T coconut oil for frying

Almond butter for drizzle, optional


  1. Mash plantains thoroughly in a medium sized bowl
  2. Add the egg and whisk it into the plantains
  3. Add the salt, cinnamon, and cayenne and stir into the mixture.
  4. Add the softened coconut oil and stir to incorporate.
  5. Add the almond flour and fold into the mixture.
  6. Heat 3 T coconut oil in a nonstick skillet.
  7. Scoop dollops of the plantain mixture into the skillet and let simmer in the oil for about 4 minutes before flipping to the other side.  Watch them carefully, as plantains go from golden brown to burnt very quickly!
  8. Remove the plantains from the pan and put on a plate.  Serve warm with drizzled almond butter on top, if desired.