Lake Superior Kitchen

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Coconut Banana Muffins

Alright, I’ve hit the part of winter where I’m losing motivation to go outside.  I don’t want to ski or build a snowman, I want to sit on the beach in the sunshine.  I want to go outside with one layer of clothes, rather than six.  We’re getting there, right? I’m not a naive Duluthian.  I’ve lived here all my life; I know we’ll probably get three more snow days before Spring comes at the end of May, but I can hope.  In the meantime, maybe I’ll invest in some more houseplants.  That always makes me feel cheerful.  Or I could visit the Sun Spot.  I’ve never tried Duluth’s mobile spot to combat winter blues but I think it might be just what I need.

These muffins are so delicious.  Everyone in my family loved them.  And I loved knowing the kids were eating them with all those good ingredients.  I will probably double the batch next time because this one did not last nearly long enough.

Coconut Banana Muffins


1 stick butter, softened

1/4 c honey

1 egg

2 t chia seeds

2 bananas, mashed

1/2 c coconut

1/2 t baking soda

1/2 2 cinnamon

1/2 t salt

1/2 t vanilla

1/3 c coconut flour

1 c almond flour


  1. Heat oven to 375 
  2. In medium bowl, mix softened butter, honey, and egg until fully combined.  You’ll have to whisk it to mix the honey in well.
  3. Add chia seeds, mashed bananas, and coconut and mix well.
  4. Add baking soda, cinnamon, salt, and vanilla and stir well.
  5. Add coconut flour and almond flour and fold it into the batter.
  6. Scoop batter into greased muffin tins and bake for 18 minutes, or until knife inserted comes out clean.
  7. Let cool on cooling rack for several minutes before eating.